Information for Employers

It is vital that the employer of a nurse who is applying for the NPTP is aware of the commitment the programme requires. Please note we do not yet know the allocated funding available to support this in 2025.

Employers will commit to the following:

  • Allow a minimum of 500 hours (16 hours per week) clinical release time from regular work responsibilities to undertake advanced clinical practice, plus attendance at university study days (approximately 12 per year). They will receive their current salary while completing the supernumerary hours (the NPTP funding provides a contribution to support this).
  • Included in the 500 hours is the minimum 80-hour secondary placement.
  • Each student will have identified a clinical supervisor (senior NP or senior doctor) who is willing to mentor the attainment of the advanced skills and competencies required for NP practice.
  • At least one of the clinical supervisors (primary or secondary placement) must be an NP.



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